Daily Archives: December 14, 2010

Way too tool for cool

Some days I know what I want to write when I get here, and other days I have no idea, and just start typing. The latter method has left me with several unfinished posts in my “unpublished” queue, but ah swell. Sometimes it’s nice just to get my thoughts out on paper, so to speak, even if they never reach any other audience but God and the angels. It’s raining today. Again. I do have to go out in it later, but I’m up to it. I know I said we weren’t going to get presents this year, but I’ve decided to buy my daughter, who lives in NC, something she really liked once when we were out shopping together, and send it to her and her husband Mark, along with some stocking stuffers. I’ll miss her this year.

I’ve been struggling a little over the concepts in the book I told you about in the last post, Remarkable Healings, but finally decided this morning to finish reading it and filter out what I don’t feel comfortable with because I have already learned some things from it, and hope to learn a bit more. That’s what we have to do, isn’t it? Sift through everything that comes our way and keep only the precious parts, the parts that best fit our little ole puzzled selves. I love that. I love that it’s not a one-size-fits-all world, even though many of us try to make it that way. Im-pos-si-BLE. Anyway, one of the biggest sticks to me accepting the message in the book is – I know, but bear with me – the photo of the author on the back cover. She looks terrified. Maybe it’s her eye makeup, I don’t know. But she does, she looks terrified. I don’t feel like wholesale-embracing the philosophy of a person who looks as if she’s about to pass out from fear…. It reminds me of the time when a couple of us from church went to a ‘prophetic’ conference that featured a man who had once been an occult bigwig, if I’m remembering right. Anyway, this guy was skittery the whole time he spoke, so much so that when someone outside of the building banged on the side door,  about half an hour into the lecture, he almost jumped out of his skin and over the podium. Maybe the guy had valid reasons for being scared; maybe Satan’s goon squad was out to get him for reals, but honestly, I don’t intend to live that way. Maybe he was meant to, and I don’t mean to criticize him. I just don’t think that’s the life for me. (He’s also the one who convinced us that all holidays were evil, and as a result the kids didn’t have a Christmas tree for two years in a row. Good times. That’s a story for later.)

One rule: Stay in the Light. I don’t think it’s my purpose to exorcise people of actual demons, so I don’t need to hang around dark alleys.

I am not This Guy.

Or  even This Guy. Man, sometimes you’ve just got to give it to Hollywood.

Anyway, even though Remarkable Healings feels iffy, after I’m finished I’ll continue to read more on reincarnation; it’s where my heart beats at the moment. And tomorrow is the shamanic sound healing! I’m kind of nervous to go because I’m always nervous to try new things (or even old things, I’m such a homebody), but I think it’s going to be an excellent experience, and I’ll have company, so win-win. Oh, and yesterday at Goodwill I picked up a book called The Everything Tarot Book and so far,  it’s really good. I bought Jess a pack of Rider-Waite Tarot cards last Christmas and somehow they’ve migrated back to me, happily, so I’ll be studying up on those for the next however-long. It’s nice to have something to study again. Sometimes I miss being in school. Sometimes. The other night my friend Amber and I gave each other readings and really, they were amazingly accurate, and mine was so encouraging that I was still floating on clouds of happiness as I lay in bed later. Amber has a natural gift anyway, and can see auras, so it was fun to use another medium (har) to ply our intuitive gifts. It’s wonderful for me to approach these things with a different mindset now. Before, I was afraid of them because I was told to be. Now, I see them as tools to use for healing and guidance, ALL within God, every bit of them filled with light and love and holiness. Hey, it’s stopped raining, and the sun has come out! I hope you all have a fantastic day, too. Love love! xo


Filed under Beloveds, Fambly, God, Love, Small blue box, Stuff to read